So I know it has been a long time since I have updated but with summer coming to an end and our busy schedules I just haven't had time. I have however, captured a lot of our fun on camera so this is your warning that you are about to experience picture overload!!!!
Tonight was such a beautiful night and Mayson and I played in the backyard for a long time, she loves riding in her Dora Jeep and playing on her swing set. She is getting to be such a big girl these days, it is so bitter sweet for me. Tonight when I put her to bed she told me.. "mommy when my brother gets bigger I'm going to marry him." Maybe if we lived in Arkansas but it was still so sweet. She loves being a big sister! Her favorite things to do right now are read books, play outside, play "mommy" with her baby dolls and drink Sprite. I know, the Sprite thing is kinda random but she thinks it is so cool that she gets to drink "coke" like mommy and daddy.
"I'm outta here!"

Changing the radio station in the Jeep

Such a ham

Okay, if there is such a thing as a
girly tomboy, we have one! She is fixing her car with no shirt on and a pearl necklace. So funny...

Now we get to my little birthday boy!!! Happy Birthday sweet Graham. He is 5 months old today. I cannot believe how fast time has gone with him. Right now his favorite things to do are: play with his feet, roll over to his tummy constantly, jump in his
jumperoo, take a bath (he gets so excited when he hears the water running ;), look in the mirror at the fat bald guy staring back at him, play with his sister, and snuggle with mommy and daddy. He has started eating baby food and likes the veggies but hates fruits.
Mayson was the same way in the beginning. He is such a laid back baby and has a great personality. He just goes with the flow. He is
definitely a ladies man. He is usually the first baby at school so his teacher takes him around to flirt with all of the women there. He eats it up! We are working on sitting up right now. He is like a little bobble head, he just falls to the side ;)
Chillin in Daddy's Chair

Sis loves me!
Mayson started Ballet a couple of weeks ago and loves it! This is right up her alley as far as wearing pretty shoes and dancing around. I think they might be a little too strict for her in the long run, she's a pretty free spirit with a mind of her own, but for now she is having fun.
My little ballerina
I'm so proud of my little girl.

So... last weekend we had our 10 yr. Martin High School
reunion. GO WARRIORS! It was lots of fun for me anyway, I'm not sure how much fun Danny had. He was a good sport though and did the husband thing for the night. I can't believe it has already been 10 yrs!
Shannon with her God children

The Gang (Danny, Me, Shannon and B)

It is crazy to think that me and Shannon have been friends since 2
nd grade! That's almost 20 years!!!! She is awesome and I hope we have pics together for the next 20 years. Of course we will only get better looking with age
Two weekends ago we met all the fam at Kinkaids for Papa Whiskers (Mayson named him this because of his beard) birthday. This has become a tradition for Papa's birthday and we always have so much fun when we all get together. Aunt Kellie didn't get to come :( but Paisley celebrated for her. It was so great to get all of the cousins together. Our family has more than duplicated in the last year.
Kaylei, Mayson, and Brett
Papa Whiskers and Graham
Happy Birthday Papa!!!!
Paisley and Graham
checkin each other out
Nana Whiskers,
Mayson and Paisley

Last month Shannon and I decided to take the girls to Hawaiian Falls. It was a great day for Mayson because we took G.W. to Granny's house so she had mommy and daddy all to herself. It was much needed Mayson time. We had a blast! Rylee and May play so well together and they were both exhausted by the time we got home.
Best Friends!!! (Future generations of BFF hopefully for 20 yrs)
2 spoons always work better than 1!!!