Monday, June 1, 2009

Busy Summer Time...

We had a super busy weekend! Happy Birthday Reed!!!!! We had so much fun at Reed's first birthday, Jessica and Jason did a great job. After the party we went to Shannon's house to spend time with Megan and Casey and the girls. The girls had a blast playing together. We miss Meg and Casey!

Danny and Graham hanging out watching baseball

Rye Bug

Megan and Sweet Baby Lilly

The girls being silly after a LONG day and lots of Cake!

Last week Mayson wanted to have a picnic so here are some pics from that. She was very specific in her requests. She wanted to eat Hot Dogs and Fruit and wear a dress. She also made mommy wear a dress :( We had a great time and Graham hung out with us!

Not much shade in the backyard at lunchtime!

May unpacking the basket!

1 comment:

Megan said...

We had so much fun with you guys. May is the funniest thing ever!!! You're going to have your hands full with her. We'll be home in July lets get together again. We need to do it much more often especially since May and Em played so well together. Miss you guys already!!